When it comes to supplying the complex needs of some of the most sensitive clients grand collaborations often offer the most efficient and secure options. Veolia and Naval Group established Defense Environnement Services (DES) as a specialised company certified to deliver accredited services in this highly secure environment.

Through DES, Veolia offers solutions which strongly support:
- Optimizing the utilities and services availability
- Operating costs reduction and market competitiveness
- Security and Operational Secrecy protection
- Minimizing the energy consumption and CO2 generation
- Building-in Social inclusion solutions
- Meeting process and project milestones
DES makes a unique offer for the Defence, Nuclear and Aerospace sectors combining the experience and knowledge of Naval Group in industrial maintenance with the expertise of Veolia in organisational development, utilities and energy management.
Services are performed under full compliance with ISO 9001 / ISO 14001 / OHSAS 18001 / CERFI E standards and are certified Confidential Defence and Secret Defence for the nuclear sector.