The defence and nuclear sector

addressing optimization and trust challenges

In a changing world, the defence and nuclear sectors face unique challenges in operational efficiency, security and resource management. Veolia, in partnership with the Naval Group through Défense Environnement Services (DES), is a key player in providing innovative and tailor-made solutions for these highly strategic industries. Our combined expertise offers a complete answer to the specific requirements of these sectors, combining operational performance, compliance with the strictest safety standards and environmental commitment.

What are the challenges in the defence and nuclear sectors? 

Operational efficiency and cost reduction: In a often constrained fiscal environment, defence and nuclear players must optimize their operations while maintaining a level of operational excellence. Reducing operating costs without compromising quality and safety of operations is a constant challenge.

Security and confidentiality: The sensitive nature of activities in these areas requires uncompromised levels of security and confidentiality. The protection of classified information and the security of critical infrastructure are top priorities.

Regulatory and environmental compliance: The defence and nuclear industries are subject to strict regulations, both in terms of safety and environment. Meeting these standards, which are constantly evolving, requires expert knowledge and continuous adaptation.

Our innovative solutions for the defence and nuclear sector

To maximize the productivity of the defence sector, rely on Veolia’s expertise and know-how. Our experts in the defence and nuclear sectors are much more than service providers. They are key strategic partners in building security and compliance capabilities through: 

Integrated facility and service management

  • Operation and maintenance of critical utilities
  • Logistics services adapted to security requirements
  • Specialized industrial maintenance

Energy and environmental optimization

  • Reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions
  • Effective management of water resources
  • Treatment and recovery of waste, including hazardous waste

Advanced security and privacy solutions

  • Implementation of safety systems in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001
  • Secure management of sensitive information
  • Enhanced protection of critical infrastructure

Digitalization and advanced technologies

  • Using artificial intelligence to optimize operations
  • Advanced monitoring systems
  • Predictive maintenance based on data analysis

Why choose Veolia to guarantee the performance of your sector? 

  • Unique sector expertise

Veolia, through DES, combines the expertise of two world leaders in their respective fields, providing a deep understanding of the specific challenges facing the defence and nuclear sectors.

  • Tailor-made and innovative solutions

Our personalized approach allows us to develop solutions tailored to the unique needs of each client, integrating the latest technological innovations.

  • Commitment to security and confidentiality

Our processes and staff are trained and certified to handle the most sensitive information and operations, ensuring the highest level of security.

  • Environmental performance

Veolia is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its defence and nuclear activities, thereby contributing to the sector’s sustainable development objectives.

  • Global presence and deployment capability

Our international network allows us to quickly deploy large-scale solutions while adapting to local contexts.

Défense Environnement Service

Your customer benefits: performance, safety and sustainability

1Optimization of operational and financial performance

Increasing your operational efficiency and reducing your maintenance and operating costs through the optimized management of your resources and the implementation of energy efficiency means. 

2 Enhancing security and compliance

The highest safety standards and the guarantee of compliance with national and international regulations are ensured. We also provide enhanced protection for your sensitive information and critical infrastructure.

3 AImprovement of environmental performance

Our solutions ensure the reduction of your activities' carbon footprint through the optimization of resource management (water, energy, raw materials). You contribute to the sector’s sustainable development goals

Veolia, a strategic partner for the future of the defence and nuclear sector

In a world where the stakes of security, operational efficiency and sustainability are more crucial than ever, Veolia is an essential strategic partner for players in the defence and nuclear sectors. Our global approach, combining technical expertise, technological innovation and a commitment to safety and the environment, offers a comprehensive response to the complex challenges you face.

By choosing Veolia, you not only ensure the optimization of your operational performance and the reduction of your costs, but also the strengthening of your security and your regulatory compliance.

A project or need to ensure the productivity of the defence sector? Contact Veolia and its teams to discuss your different needs and expectations.